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Coleen Gallaher

Coleen Gallaher, Reiki Practitioner, Reflexologist

Reiki & Reflexology

Each of us has the wisdom and ability to heal ourselves. When we are able to listen, we know what we need most to change stressful, unhealthy conditions and restore ourselves to experience vibrant, vital living. Sometimes, however, we need help to strengthen our connection with our own inner life force, to access our own wisdom and to activate our own healing potential.


Coleen uses all of the knowledge and skills available to her to powerfully assist and facilitate her client’s revitalizing potential.

She does this by bringing her client’s body/mind/spirit to a state of deep relaxation and balance. That is the core and essential secret of using energy techniques for returning to renewed health and vitality. Coleen is a seasoned energy practitioner with over 15 years experience in energy based healing approaches. She focuses on Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Flow Alignment and Connection, Reflexology. Through her practice, she creates a safe and supportive space where anything that needs to and is ready to heal, can.


Coleen has also studied Shamanism, Yoga, Hakomi. She incorporates the wisdom of Shamanism, Yoga, Hakomi, as well as other energetically based techniques into each client session for unique and powerful treatments.


"Coleen’s energetic work has been able to reach into the deepest areas with subtle sensitivity. At the same time, I have felt held by the steady and competent way in which she grounds her work, allowing me to unravel, to integrate, and to heal."

— Matthew van der Giessen

Coleen's Services & Fees



  • $ 90   for 60 minutes

  • $135 for 90 minutes

  • $180 for 120 minutes




  • $ 90   for 60 minutes


Reiki/Reflexology Combos:​​


  • $ 90   for 60 minutes

  • $135 for 90 minutes

  • $180 for 120 minutes


To Book with Coleen click the link below or call 780-488-9779​




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